etc- english theater


English Writing

The English Writing Challenge offers a unique opportunity for young, non-native speakers of English to try creating a character and exploring themes and ideas that are important to them by writing monologues. Through these monologues, these young writers  are given the opportunity to build their characters and situations which makes this a very different creative writing project. Once the characters and monologues have been completed and are edited and fine tuned, professional etc actors bring them to life.
The etc-english theater cologne creative team worked with youths in Cologne by providing guidance and training to help them work on their pieces. With financial support in the form of a grant from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine Westaflia in Germany together with the German government, this project was developed during the height of wave 2 of the pandemic as a way to support isolated students. Many theater performances and foreign travel had been disrupted during this time. This project has been valuable for the students, etc and the organisations involved and has kick started etc’s education department. This project is continually being developed and we are looking for participants whether it be remotely or through our in person workshops. We run this project during the course of an academic year from September to June. Due to the premiere of our first live show in June 2023 and the summer break means we will start again in September 2023. Please contact us to register your interest and for additional information.
Create it – Write It – We perform it.

Young people write monologues…



etc professional actors perform them!



Interested? Contact us at



Subject: EWC
