This “genre trailer” is an example of the genres: Fantasy / Classical / Drama that etc would like to produce. The Proposal is an original story created 3 years ago by etc Co-Founder, Kathleen Renish.
The is one of our “genre trailers” which we call – Old Time Radio Show / Comedy. It’s an example of a show in the Old Time Radio Show format from the 20’s – 50’s that was very popular in the US. The actors read from the script, performed the roles and sometimes even made any appropriate sound effects.
This MAKING OF video is of the etc-english theater cologne’s filming day of the genre trailers/scenes. Due to COVID 19, we had to re-schedule the filming 3 times in 2021 but finally we were able to film at the end of April 2021.
Enjoy this video log of the day!
Kathleen & James
The Proposal
This “genre trailer” is an example of the genres: Fantasy / Classical / Drama that etc would like to produce. The Proposal is an original story created 3 years ago by etc Co-Founder, Kathleen Renish.
Old Time Radio Show
The is one of our “genre trailers” which we call – Old Time Radio Show / Comedy. It’s an example of a show in the Old Time Radio Show format from the 20’s – 50’s that was very popular in the US. The actors read from the script, performed the roles and sometimes even made any appropriate sound effects.
The making of etc
This MAKING OF video is of the etc-english theater cologne’s filming day of the genre trailers/scenes. Due to COVID 19, we had to re-schedule the filming 3 times in 2021 but finally we were able to film at the end of April 2021.
Enjoy this video log of the day!
The English Writing Challence
Take a look at the
English Writing Challenge.
Regie / Director: Moritz Wimmer
Kamera / Camera: Lukas Biemman
Ton / Sound: Jens Küppers, Julian Kolb
Licht / Light: Fabian Rieke
Making of und Assitenz / Making of and Assistance : Lis Demiri
Set Photos – Julian Kolb – @juliankolbcamera www.julian-kolb.com
Music – Daniel Bohrer – @danielboplanet
Makeup & Hair – Melanie Vötter – @melanievotter www.melanievotter.com
THEATER GEMEINDE KOELN Review Bakersfield Mist, June 13, 2023 posted on their INSTAGRAM page
A visit to @etcenglishtheatercologne at @horizonttheater.
For transparency purposes: I met the lead Kathleen Renish in person a year ago when we both attended the same play. We’ve been in touch ever since, and she invited me to the premiere of “Bakersfield Mist,” ETC’s first production.
I was very happy about that. Not only about the invitation, but also about the play. What starts out like a pleasant comedy keeps taking serious, profound turns, and the ending in particular is thought-provoking.
Maude has found a painting in a junk store, a really ugly one, she thinks. After a little research, however, she is now convinced that it is a previously undiscovered painting by Jackson Pollock. Art expert Lionel Percy has come from New York to visit her in the trailer park in California to confirm the authenticity of the painting.
Disagreements and friction arise between the two. It can be felt that Lionel is full of prejudice against Maude. Never in a million years would a real Pollock stray into a trailer park. Maude, on the other hand, is frustrated by this arrogant snoot.
Two worlds meet that could not be more different. Thus, very funny conflicts arise, which at the same time hold up a mirror to how much one is shaped by one’s own prejudices.
“Bakersfield Mist” by Stephen Sachs is clever and entertaining. Renish and her antagonist James Bunyon are a well-oiled team. They understand each other almost blindly. It can be seen and felt by both that the performance of this play is a matter of the heart.
He British, she US-American, both speak very understandable English. Especially the contrast of the two accents underlines the different characters of the two protagonists: He very posh, stuck up and condescending, she loud, swearing and stubborn.
It was a pleasure to watch the two of them. RJ
Note: The performance is entirely in English.
Further performances will take place in September, October and November.