English Writing Challenge – June 2022 Monologues

English Writing Challenge – June 2022 Monologues

Character Name: Rasco, alias the Racoon
Character Age: 32
3 Words to describe the character: dangerous, unpredictable, temperamental
Setting: 2020, Chicago, in a deserted attic.





Well, well, well, who do we have here? Good ol’ Stevie. What a wonderful day!

You can’t talk now. Cat got your tongue. No, you’re all tied up. I’m sorry that always cracks me up.  Oh, come on, don’t look at me like that. I just need you to do me a small favor.

Tell me who ratted on us.  The boss is waiting for answers.

Don’t cry, it’s easy. You can do it. Tell me who ratted on us and then I might let you go, I’m in a good mood today. Oh, come on Stevie, put yourself in my shoes… the boss is restless and if he doesn’t get his answers, he takes it out on me and we don’t want that to happen, now do we?

Ever since we got ratted on, things haven’t been the same.

The boss is irritated, and he’s constantly looking out, angry and interacting with him is getting more and more dangerous.

Ah come on Steve, you know how things work around here.

You’d be better off if you talk. Stevie boy, think about your family, your kids, oh your beautiful wife. Whatta a doll. You wouldn’t want anything bad happening to them, now would you?

Don’t underestimate me Steve. You think I‘m kidding. You wanna find out?



Author Age: 19
Author Name: Diana
Author Pronouns: She/Her
Author Bio: High school graduate from the Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium in Cologne, loves to bake, dance and draw. In her free time, she plays video games.


Studied Acting / Theatre at Pennsylvania State Univeristy and with various private teachers from all over the world. She’s had leading roles in various musicals / musical revues such as Grizbella/CATS, Cosette / LES MISERABLES, Maria / WEST SIDE STORY as well as in many dramas and comedies. She wrote and performed in her own one woman show, A LOST AMERICAN IN GERMANY, for 6 years performing not only in Germany but also in PA and NYC. Kathleen has also directed events, children’s shows, comedies and dramas in Germany and the US. In Germany she has been seen on television in KUESTENWACHE, UNTER UNS, WEST OF LIBERTY and for 6 years was in a recurring role in Europe’s #1, prize winning, gay web series KUNTERGRAU as the firey, passionate, OMA MARGARETHE. When she met James Bunyon, they both knew that they had to collaborate and establish an English theater company in Cologne. That was the birth of etc-english theater cologne.

Character Name: Jim
Character Age: 29
3 Words to describe the character: betrayed, attached, overwhelmed
Setting: Late evening in their flat. His friend and roommate comes home after work.





Oh, good. Youre finally home. I hope you had a great day at the office.

I found this (shows letter) in your room. Its very interesting to read. Do you want me to read it to you? I’ll summarize.

It says that your company is taking over other companies. I mean thats great, you earn lots of money and Im pleased for you, but why didnt you tell me that its your fault that Im in this situation right now?

You were so good to me. You took me in after I lost my job, but I always thought you had done it because you cared for me as your friend.

I was wrong! You’re the one whos at fault!

Your company bought the one I was working for and you took me in to ease your guilty feelings. You knew and you didnt tell me!

I thought you were my friend. How could you deceive me like this? I was at rock bottom. I didnt know what to do. And then then you came along. You built me up, you took me in. Now it just feels like all of that was a lie.

Didnt you think, what it would do to me? I mean, put yourself in my shoes. How am I supposed to believe a single word that you say?!…



Author Age: 16
Author Name: Tangerine
Author Pronouns: She/Her
Author Bio: I am currently a student at a Gymnasium in Cologne. I am interested in arts and enjoy music and dancing.


At the age of 16, James completed an internship with the Really Useful Group, founded by musical composer Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, focusing primarily on London’s West End.
In 2004, James was awarded the Gold Medal by the London Academy of Dramatic Art (LAMDA) for his recital of verse and prose. In 2005, he graduated from the Birmingham School of Acting with a degree in Acting and Musical Theatre.
Early on, James developed a desire to pass on his passion for theatre, and so he began developing comprehensive theatre education programs in schools, in the UK and beyond. His clientele included the UK’s national health service, NHS, for which he created numerous interactive theatre productions and workshops for a wide range of audiences.
In 2005, he joined the White Horse Theatre, Europe’s largest touring educational theater based in Soest, Germany, and toured with the troupe for sixteen years throughout Germany, Denmark, France, and Thailand. etc-english theater cologne marks a new chapter with new challenges, the biggest one to date being the pandemic.